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Quick Results of PWA LFG Tour: Why No Queensland? (Night 1)

By Mick Robson

October is here, and with it comes perhaps the biggest undertaking that PWA has made to date! Pro Wrestling Australia is taking over the east coast of Australia this month with an unprecedented tour, spanning 3 states and 1 territory. Their first stop went down tonight at the Gold Coast, expanding the brand outside of its Sydney base. The show featured a mix of the homegrown PWA talent, as well as some of the best local talent that Queensland had to offer.

A major thank you to Mikey John Zaccone (Twitter: @mikeyjzaccone), providing the results to make this coverage possible! He sent through the following:

Opening Match: Four Nations (Adam Hoffman & Mick Moretti) def. Bobby Bishop & Renegade by pinfall

Second Match: Big Fudge def. Jack Tarr by pinfall

Promo: Ricky South out notifying us that his match vs Chris Basso has been cancelled & "should" do an open challenge, but tells the crowd they don't deserve it, but does it anyway… out comes Unsocial Jordan & then Robbie Eagles who make the main event a Triple Threat for the PWA Championship.

Third Match: Caveman Ugg def. James Jaegar by pinfall

Fourth Match: Jack Bonza def. Rufio by pinfall

Fifth Match: The Velocities (Jude London & Paris de Silva) def. Top Tier (Solumon Blackwell & Tim Hayden w/Todd Eastman) to retain the PWA Tag Team Championship by pinfall


Sixth Match: Lyrebird Luchi won a battle royal that included the likes of JT Robinson, Kai Drake, JL Gold & handful of other QLD talents to receive a title shot at the Brisbane show.

Seventh Match: Jessica Troy def. Outback Adam by submission

Main Event: Ricky South def. Robbie Eagles & Unsocial Jordan by pinfall to retain the PWA Championship

Mikey also provided his thoughts on the show: Great "House Show" style. All the main people got over and the locals got put on a good spotlight.

Again, big thanks to Mikey for helping out on this one, and also thanks to Jamie Apps (@JamieAppsMedia) for linking us up. I'll be covering the Melbourne, Wollongong and Sydney shows myself, jury's still out on Newcastle and Canberra for me, but QLD was a bit too much over budget this time around. Will also need a hand with results for tomorrow's Brisbane show, so if you're going or know someone who is, please reach out! Twitter (or brand new Instagram!) is the same @thearenamedia.

And finally, would just like to encourage any wrestling fans, or even anyone on the fence, if you're in the area and time/money allows it, there's not a much better way to spend either than at a PWA show! Find more information and tickets at!


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Image of Mick Robson, founder of The Arena Media

Mick Robson is a freelance writer from Australia. A lifelong fan of pro wrestling and MMA, he endeavours to bring that passion through his coverage in news, reviews and opinion pieces.

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